Internal control of a company under construction

Training recognized by the RBQ, CMMTQ and CMEQTraining recognized by the RBQ, CMMTQ and CMEQ
This course has expired.

Entrepreneurs will learn about the definition and usefulness of internal control. Potential risks associated with the management of financial resources such as accounts receivable, accounts payable, cash. Potential risks associated with the management of physical and material resources, such as fixed assets (vehicles, equipment and tools), materials and supplies. Potential risks associated with human resources management such as time theft, overpayment, disclosure of confidential information. Discover some of the solutions such as: division of labor, Pareto's law, detailed and project-based accounting, disincentives, performance evaluation and employee satisfaction.

Please note that you will have 90 days after March 31th to register your hours on the RBQ website.

Cancellation / Modification

All requests to cancel or modify an activity must be made in writing 10 working days before the event. APECQ retains the full amount of the registration fee if the request to cancel the activity is made 9 working days or less.

In all cases, APECQ agrees to modify the activity at no charge. In addition, it is possible to be replaced by another person, to whom the certificate will be sent.

APECQ reserves the right to cancel any training activity. In such a case, APECQ's sole responsibility will be to reimburse in full the registration fees paid by the participant.

564.95 $
Friday, February 23rd, 2024
Friday, March 1st, 2024
8:00 AM-12:00 PM
Réal Petitclerc